Saturday, July 19, 2008

The view from the zinzya. You can see the second entrance below. As a group we talked to an old lady near the zinzya. The thing about elderly japanese is even if you say you don`t speak Japanese well, they just reply ``Oh is that so? Well, when I was a young girl I used to go pearl diving three times a week but now I`m too old to keep doing that. Are you guys visiting the Zinzya? Well, unfortunately the summer festival has been cancelled because there`s not enough young men in town to carry the statue to the shrine...`` etc, etc. I understood maybe 10% of what she was saying but as a group we managed an understanding of what she was saying.

Here`s a closer picture of the shrine.

This picture is my favorite. For me, the view from the shrine had an almost dream-like quality. To see all those shingled roofs in different colors cozily surrounded by the green cliffs on one side and a black sand ocean on the other side coincides with my dreams too well. On top of that, all we had to do was walk here from where we are staying.

More rooftops.

Everybody was taking pictures of various scenery so I thought I`d take a picture of our own curiosity. Here`s everyone`s name and how I know them in case I mention them again: Lana (on my plane from Dallas), Taylor (In the same language level as me and taught me a card game called Twa), I think the headless person is Austin (part of the graduate student clique I introduced myself to, Brian (same as Austin), and the ear of Adrian.

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